Managers are under pressure to keep their teams well-organized and focused. This is important to keep the work environment productive. But they don’t always have qualities that make them good leaders. Many believe that this doesn’t affect the productivity of staff members.

Not everybody is satisfied with only fulfilling their direct duties. But they just don’t know how to approach personal development and which leader skills to cultivate. There are a couple of tips they can learn to become true leaders for the workers.

The Difference Between Leaders and Managers

Many believe that being a good leader doesn’t make one a great manager and vice versa. These notions have their differences but are important to the company structure. This is like comparing a coursework writing service with a platform for specific subjects, like chemistry or math. They have both common and different characteristics.

Managers maintain the company’s daily operations. Their duties involve

  • planning, coordinating, and organizing the workflow;
  • making sure that employees meet their deadlines;
  • upholding company rules and guidelines.

Maintaining a functional workforce requires having at least some leadership qualities. But what makes an effective leader? Unlike being a manager, which is a position within the company hierarchy, any employee can be a leader. What separates them from other staff members is the ability to offer guidance and inspire coworkers.

Few people can pull off being both managers and leaders. But it doesn’t imply that managers can’t learn how to be good leaders. There are a couple of things they can do.

Things Great Leaders Practice

Allow More Autonomy

Many professionals tend to micromanage employees under their supervision. Instead, they have to give the staff more autonomy. This builds trust between workers and managers. It’s also a good idea to encourage creative thinking. Employees often come up with new and surprising solutions the company can use.

With this freedom, they are more willing to take part in discussions and offer their insight. Open communication means that they provide fresh ideas for supervisors to think about. It’s a manager’s job to motivate employees to contribute to the benefit of the company. This approach leads to a more productive and efficient staff.

Improve Communication Skills

Being able to be clearly understood is one of the key things that make great leaders. That’s why managers have to work on their communication skills. They should be able to both write and speak in the most impactful manner. The art of communication isn’t one-sided.

Managers should be able to listen to all parties involved. For example, there’s a conflict between several employees. They can’t come to a single decision on how to approach a project. A supervisor must listen to all sides, analyze the data, and come up with a solution that satisfies everyone.

Give Timely Feedback

Good managers go further than checking if their employees do the bare minimum. They evaluate progress and offer suggestions for improving worker performance. Rolling out annual reports is a good start, but managers have to go further.

It’s important to provide employees with regular feedback. This concerns both personal and professional growth. For example, an employee did a good job with an assignment. The manager can give them tips that will further improve their work. This way, staff members will better understand what they should and shouldn’t do.

Make sure that the feedback is given regularly, every two weeks or once a month. Thus, employees won’t get surprised with the review of their work at the end of the year. Using this approach will make all staff members stay on the right track.

Reflect On Your Decisions

While overseeing the organization is important, checking your own progress is just as valuable. Managers should take the time to analyze their actions and decisions during certain periods. There’s no point in regretting some of the mistakes. Acknowledge them, understand why they happened, and think about how to avoid them in the future.

Traits of a Great Leader

Adaptability. Running a department is not always pleasant. That’s why good leaders have to learn to be adaptable. This way, they maintain control in difficult times and keep teams on the right course. The trait allows them to adjust to any scenario and come out on top.

Calmness. Good leaders keep their emotions in check. They are valued for staying calm and composed even when things don’t go their way. Managers should also remain calm while talking to other team members.

Confidence. Managers have to be confident to lead their subordinates. Pretending to be so won’t make a difference. They have to be tough enough to stick to their convictions and remain firm in decision-making. Leaders are prepared that employees won’t receive some of their decisions well. But if a manager is confident, they will respect their actions.

Inspiration. Being able to inspire people to do great things is another important trait of a leader. They can’t lead when employees don’t look up to them. So, try offering words of encouragement in a time of need, and don’t forget to deliver constructive feedback. Sometimes, managers have to change their style of running the subordinates to achieve this effect.

Honesty. This is one of the most important leadership traits. Both colleagues and employees value those who have good integrity. Being honest builds trust not only with employees but with clients and customers as well. If staff members don’t trust their managers, they won’t work with them. By maintaining honesty and transparency, you make sure that everybody can do their job well.


These examples show that cultivating leadership skills doesn’t require something extraordinary. It’s a matter of improving them and character traits on a daily basis. Give employees more autonomy, provide regular feedback, and be precise in communications.

Reflect on how well you meet these goals and practice them daily. This is the only way to turn managers into great leaders. Good luck.

Written by Stop The Breaks
Stop The Breaks is an independent music marketing company focused on showcasing independent hip-hop artists. Our goal is to help motivate, inspire and educate independent artists grinding around the world. We provide branding, content marketing, social media, SEO and music promotion services.