There’s no denying that life in a big city can be extremely exciting and entertaining. You can reinvent yourself and be whoever you want to be, you have plenty of opportunities to make friends, countless activities to take part in and no time to get bored. But it’s just as true that the hustle and bustle you experience every day can feel overwhelming at times. The excitement and glam of living in a city where you can never press pause can wear off after a while or you might start craving the peace and solace that one only finds in small towns. Yet if you find yourself in a crowded and busy city, you don’t have to pack your bags and move when things seem to spiral out of control. You can still enjoy all the benefits of living in a bustling city, if you learn a few surviving techniques that will help you make the most of your time here. Hopefully our tips will help you out on your quest and make you realize that big city life is not that scary after all.

Always have a map with you

Living in a big city can sometimes feel like you’re running around in a maze. It’s easy to get carried away with the scenery and even easier to get lost on city streets. It’s no joke when they say that city lights can dazzle you and make you lose your way, both metaphorically and literally. Fortunately, this problem has a quick fix: the good old map (whether it’s a traditional one or an app). A map can be a lifesaver and help you find your way when your sense of direction fails you, so it’s worth having one around at least until you get more familiar with the city.


There’s little to discover in a small town, but life in a big city can be full of surprises. It’s like being on a never-ending treasure hunt, constantly looking for hidden gems around the lively streets. The only way to find them is to go out and explore. When you’re the new kid in town, it might be scary to go out and about on your own, but it will be totally worth it. And if you’re worried about the intense traffic, there are ways to make your trips more enjoyable. For example, if you want to explore San Francisco by car, it’s a great idea to look for monthly parking San Francisco, so you don’t have to worry about finding a free parking spot for your ride anymore.

Make friends with the locals

On the principle When in Rome…, you can make your life more comfortable by blending in with the locals. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to go out on the streets and start a conversation with every stranger you find remotely interesting. But you could ask local people for advice on any number of things, from fun activities you can do around the city, to the best places to eat and everything in between. Put your social skills to the test and maybe you’ll earn some friends along the way.

Get out of your comfort zone

When you move to a big city from a small and quiet town and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of so much chaos, your first instinct might be to run and hide. But hiding in your safe bubble can make you lose so many precious opportunities and stop you from enjoying life to the fullest. Growth starts when you are able to let go of your fears (or when you decide to face them) and when you finally get out of your comfort zone. So, put yourself out there, try new things, make wonderful memories and enjoy everything the city has to offer.

Avoid rush hours

We all know it. Traffic in a big city is absolutely insane and there’s nothing to do about it. But you can work your way around it if you plan your trips wisely. Ideally, you should avoid rush hours if you don’t want to get stuck in traffic for what may seem like forever. But that’s not always an option, so the least you could do is leave home early to make sure you’ll get on time wherever you need to go. It’s not the perfect scenario, but you have to adapt if you want to survive.

Be cautious and stay safe

In a big city, temptations and threats lurk behind every corner. That’s why you must learn to practice caution and stay aware when you’re out roaming the streets. Be careful who you talk to and who you surround yourself with. Not everyone will have your best interest at heart, so try to choose your friends wisely. If you have to go out in the small hours, take a friend with you and try to avoid unsafe areas in the city. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Know your weather

Weather can truly make or break your day. Rain or wind might not kill you, but they can definitely kill your mood. In a small town, you’d be able to go home and change your clothes to fit the weather, but there’s no way you could do that in a big and busy city. So, make sure you consult the weather app before you walk out the door and dress accordingly.

Take a break

When times get rough and everything about the city seems too much to bear, don’t force yourself to push through. Everyone needs a well-deserved break from time to time and it’s absolutely normal to want to get away from it all every once in a while. A short break away from the madding crowd is probably all you need to recharge your batteries and regain your balance. Chances are you’ll come back with a fresh perspective and ready to enjoy big city life once again.
Written by Stop The Breaks
Stop The Breaks is an independent music marketing company focused on showcasing independent hip-hop artists. Our goal is to help motivate, inspire and educate independent artists grinding around the world. We provide branding, content marketing, social media, SEO and music promotion services.