Artist Bio: My Name’s Larry Lasalle Williams Jr. I’m 35yrs old. My Dream Growing up was to Rap. But The Hard Part was to Turn Dreams Into Reality. The Oldest Boy of Two Younger Siblings One Brother and A Sister Who just Died This Year.

My Only Sister. I cant go as Deep As Other Rappers Because of Politics. Wait Everyone wants to Ask Larry So What is your Definition of Politics. Yeah I’LL Save that for another time. LOL. My Mother and Father Raised Me and My Brother and Sister Until My Mom Died In 1998!

I Loved My Mother and I Loved Music as Well. I Loved Music so Much This is What Happened.When My Mom Died All I Could Remember was me Listening to songs I recorded from The Latest Rappers on My Tape Deck.

Then My Mom Knocks on my door, I got the door closed but cracked so I can her my Moms if she need me. I can remember her always saying Larry Keep that music down, she didn’t want to interrupt our cool Neighbors sleep.

We Had a Brief Conversation and she left. But The Day She Died My Sister Called Me and Im Busy In My Room Listening to Music But When I Here Her Crying, I said Myeasha What’s wrong? I looked out the open porch door and she was dead in the Car. She was dead of Cancer.

Written by Stop The Breaks
Stop The Breaks is an independent music marketing company focused on showcasing independent hip-hop artists. Our goal is to help motivate, inspire and educate independent artists grinding around the world. We provide branding, content marketing, social media, SEO and music promotion services.